Geoff Ford Political Science x Digital Methods

(In development) Browser-based concordancing and text analysis tool: ConText

During the Mapping LAWS project I’ve been developing ‘ConText’ - a browser-based concordancing and corpus analysis tool. The prototype has been developed using Plotly’s Dash with language data processed using Spacy. Many corpus analysis tools are feature heavy, but this can be confusing for non-specialists. ConText prioritises an intuitive interface focused on accessing and analysing texts and contexts, rather than focusing on settings. ConText allows users to efficiently search, compare and analyse multiple large corpora. An accompanying Jupyter notebook allows reproduceable, documented, shareable text analysis. This can be extended to incorporate novel visualisations and methods beyond the scope of the web application.

These tools have been used by the Mapping LAWS project team and will be released as an output of the project.

Skills & Tools: Python; Dash; Spacy; Numpy; Interface design; Web application development.